MoSCoW technique

Methods and techniques | trial

The MoSCoW technique is a prioritization method in software development. At Kiwee, we use this technique across the entire project lifecycle to effectively prioritize new requirements. During the initial phase of planning, we utilize tools such as Miro and actively involve all project stakeholders. It has helped our team and stakeholders determine the importance of different features, tasks, and requirements, enabling us to make informed decisions and concentrate our efforts on delivering the most valuable aspects of the project.

This technique involves organizing project elements into four distinct groups based on their priority.

Must have These are non-negotiable and critical requirements necessary for the project's planned iteration to succeed.

Should have While not critical, these features are desirable and add significant long-term value, complementing the "must haves".

Could have These include low-cost improvements or features that are nice to have, but they are not essential for the project's core functionality.

Won't have This category includes the least critical features and items that may be considered for future iterations.

Embracing the MoSCoW technique can have a positive impact on projects in various industries. It has enabled companies to focus on what matters the most and deliver products or projects that meet the needs and expectations of stakeholders and customers. Overall, we think it is a valuable approach for decision-making.
